The Queen Of Runner Up

Ever feel like you’re the one always losing?

If you’re looking for someone to relate to, you’ve come to the right place.

Small business owners across the United States and the entire world feel this way. There is that bigger company that always seems to win. They flick off their customers while you fight to keep yours on the daily. Do you constantly feel like you’re the one working harder yet always the “loser?”

I would like it noted that in no way did I feel as though I had a bad childhood. I was fed, loved and even spoiled. Although I didn’t grow up in a bad situation I always grew up with a chip on my shoulder. Grew up with the mindset that I had people to prove wrong, someone to beat. As imagined any loss whether it be air hockey or a marketing competition meant something to me.

In 2016 I had entered the “Marketer of the Year” competition for a conference. Granted my entry was submitted the very last day, and I had my 16 year old sister record me, but the content was good! I explained all the marketing strategies, the percentages and profit increases and even new ideas. I got a call about a week later letting me know I was number 5 out of the top 4 people to make it into the final entries. Dang it! So while at the conference that year I watched the finalists and took mental notes.

The 2017 conference rolled around and yet again I got an email saying that submissions were being accepted. I was ready! I put together a great piece, included emotional music, interviewed folks then submitted! I then got a call a couple days later saying I was finally in the top 4! Ya-freakin-hoo right?

Lots of practice and nerves later the night finally arrived for the presentation. Not to toot my own horn but that presentation rocked! The audience connected, laughed and even cried- exactly what you want. When the winners were announced, wouldn’t you know it, second place. Figures. There have been many instances in my life where my family and I have been recognized second. But guess what? That’s okay! Who wants to fight when you’ve already won? Second place, runner up, numero dos only means you have something to keep striving for. To be number one it means you have to keep fighting like you’re number two!

So how does this translate into my business? I fight with the mindset that there is someone who is right behind you wanting to take your place. If I market the companies that hire me, as they are number 2 fighting to get to number 1 the content is that much better! Millions of Americans relate to the underdog, so I market these companies as such.
Being second place or second best only means that you will benefit to hiring me. Few are born with passion, work with someone who is just as passionate about your business as you are.
Thanks for the read,

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